Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Not Much

10 Weeks and a Bit
Just some odds and ends to report. Last week I had what was probably my final physical therapy appointment - I'll carry on with my exercises at home. My range of motion is, I think, back to normal, with only minor discomfort when I really stretch.

I had my 4th follow-up visit with Dr. Kushner this week, and it was pretty straightforward. Everything is looking good. He'd like to check up on me again in September, but I think our relationship is coming to an end.

Next week I have my pre-op appointment with Dr. Doezie, the last one before the surgery to swap out the tissue expanders for the implants.

I've added some links and resources to the blog, just in case some other breast cancer patient stumbles upon it looking for information.

Monday, May 16, 2011

2 Months

9 Weeks Post-op
Just over 2 months since my surgery. Just over 3 since the diagnosis. It sounds like such a short period of time, but so much has happened. I suppose any great period of change has odd time warps: slow and fast, long and short.

Today's post is just a quick update. Last week marked a milestone: my first week without doctor's appointments since January. Although today I did have a physical therapy session - probably my last one. Doing my exercises has dramatically improved my ability to use my arms, and now it's really just a question of staying with the program.

The Dust
Last week was Booth Pick for the Sawdust - an event causing me great anxiety because my lottery draw meant I might not get a booth for the summer show. And not getting a booth for the summer show would be the financial equivalent of losing my job on top of everything else. However, I did get a space. And so the madness that is being an artist in the Sawdust Art Festival begins....