Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Second Fill-up

Day 29 Post Op
It's been just over 4 weeks since the surgery. I had another appointment with Dr. Doezie today, for the second top-up of the tissue expanders. As I've said before, the tissue expanders are hard and lumpy & bumpy, so it's difficult for me to imagine what I will look like with silicone implants of equivalent volume, so we spent some time discussing that. Currently, I'm thinking that the right size for me is somewhere between where I was after the first top-up and where I am now, after the second one. This means that I will have one more step in the expansion, because Dr. Doezie over-expands by 100cc during the stretching process, to make sure there is enough space for the implant even if the muscles contract a bit after the final surgery.

Today's procedure has cause a significant amount of pain - much more than the first top-up, so I had to take some of my pain meds and spend most of the day resting.

Give and Take
Yesterday evening I went to the support group at the Women's Wellness Center, having managed to turn up on the correct evening this time! Of course it takes time to get used to any new group dynamic, but what struck me most was that the women turn up as much to offer support to others as they do to take it for themselves. That was certainly my motivation - I had some questions about reconstruction, but I was also there to share what I've learned.

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